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Candace Lebby: from Creative Writing and Journalism to Software Developer

Social media handle(s): LinkedIn

A few words about me:

I'm a Software Developer working at Zaizi.

When I'm not working I'm raising my 9 year old son, writing songs for the piano, reading, gaming, or trying out a new recipe I've found online!

Is your background more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or non-STEM related?

Non-STEM - my background is in the arts; Creative Writing and Journalism.

Where did your professional journey start?

I studied Creative Writing and Journalism at university. I wrote blogs, SEO content, and news/feature articles for different businesses, including start-ups and a web design agency.

How did you get into tech and what motivated you?

My journey into tech was driven initially by my fascination with gaming technologies and computing. I remember back then wanting to build my own gaming PC and promptly grabbing a copy of the Comptia A+. It was around that time that I decided to switch from a career in content writing into tech.

My first tech role was on the service desk, and I took the time to learn as much as possible. Getting exposure to different technologies was great and cloud and networking were on my radar, but it wasn't until a few years later that I fell in love with software development and got the opportunity to move into that field.

Have you experienced any 'career in tech' challenges / stereotypes?

I consider myself to be quite lucky in that, I haven't faced any obvious challenges or stereotypes in the workplace. However, it's worth mentioning that, in my first tech role, I was the only woman working on the service desk, and there was only one woman in the offshore service desk team. The company had teams and customers all over the world so there were around 20 or so of us in the support team.

Times are definitely changing now and there are definitely more women working in tech roles than I had ever noticed before. In fact there's better diversity and inclusivity in general across tech.

"My advice to those considering a career in tech is to seek a mentor in the field. An excellent mentor can provide guidance, offers insights, and help you navigate your career path."

What do you like / not like about working in tech?


Constant learning: I love the opportunity to learn and grow continuously. Tech provides an evolving landscape of tools and technologies to explore.

Impact: Technology can have a really positive impact on peoples' lives, and I enjoy being a part of that.


Dare I say, none thus far ...

"Times are definitely changing now and there are definitely more women working in tech roles than I had ever noticed before. In fact there's better diversity and inclusivity in general across tech."

And to wrap up, is there any advice you'd like to give to others interested in a career in tech?

My advice to those considering a career in tech is to seek a mentor in the field. An excellent mentor can provide guidance, offers insights, and help you navigate your career path.

Another piece of advice I'd offer is that perseverance and continuous learning is key. The learning curve can feel tremendous when you're starting out in a new role, but if you take it day by day and make learning and skilling up a lifelong habit, you will improve and it'll all start to click into place.

Make sure you stay passionate, as your enthusiasm will fuel your growth and keep you motivated.


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