Social media handle(s): LinkedIn & @vincepizzoni (Instagram)
A few words about me:

Professor in Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of Nottingham, I have mentored 1000s spanning the whole career lifecycle from school to university, executive and board level, and made it my mission in life to inspire and mentor future generations into STEM, Engineering, Tech, and Energy careers.
My other pillars around which I have built my portfolio are education, the energy transition and equity, diversity, and inclusion. I am very active in the gym with weight training and powerlifting. I also enjoy Ancient History particularly the Greek and Roman Empires, travel, mountain walking, listening to Phil Collins and watching Star Trek!
Are there any professional experiences you've had that are quite unexpected compared to what you do nowadays?
I was Head of Professional Guidance at Cheltenham Ladies' College and Head of the day girls' house, the first male "housemistress" in the school's history!
Is your background more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) or non-STEM related?
STEM, my degree was in Chemical Engineering however my career became more managerial as it developed and I eventually became General Manager of a third of the company's global business.
Where did your professional journey start?
I studied Chemical Engineering at University, and my first role was as a Process Engineer in the Chemicals and Textile industries.
How did you get into tech and what motivated you?
By luck. One of my friends mentioned that Chemical Engineering might be an interesting career route although neither he or I knew anything about it!
Have you experienced any 'career in tech' challenges / stereotypes?
Predominantly male in most of my career which has led to certain workplace cultures which do not make it easy for women or those from other underrepresented groups.
"Go for it! Exciting career, many challenges but you will grow as a person."

What you wish you knew before getting started in tech...
The importance of networking.
What has been your biggest 'wow!' moment related to working in tech so far?
Winning the company Chairman's Award and ending up in Puerto Rico for a week with my wife with all expenses paid!
What do you like / not like about working in tech?
Mostly likes: exciting, challenging, innovative, important to humanity (Climate Change).
What's been your favourite / most memorable / funniest 'career in tech' moment so far?
I have several. Singing Beatles songs in a Karaoke session with Russian plant operators in -35degC temperatures! Being offered fried scorpions in a Chinese oil field. Being protected by armed tribesmen in Yemen for a 6 hour drive to the oilfield. Visiting former Yugoslavia while the 90s war was still finishing and the fabulous way I was treated by local staff. Visiting the Kuwait desert in 55degC heat in a sandstorm. Seeing the burning oilfields in Kuwait. Working in over 60 countries globally.
And to wrap up, is there any advice you'd like to give to others interested in a career in tech?
Go for it! Exciting career, many challenges but you will grow as a person. Lots of opportunity for career progression and working internationally.